Thursday, March 20, 2008

'Till you see that your home is in heaven

This is one my favorite song. It moves me and I feel good everytime I sing this. :)
'Till you see that your home is in heaven
by Jonathan P.
I will touch your eyes, do not lose heart.
I will touch you again.

'Till you see the angels and saints surrounding the throne.
'Till you see the brightness and majesty of the throne.
Where your God reigns forever and ever you'll see them all clearly.
Thousands of thousands surrounding the throne.
And they're shouting by night and by day to your God.
Holy, holy is the Lord God, Almighty.
Holy, holy, is the Lord God, Almighty.
And I'll touch you again
'Till you see that your home is in heaven.
And I'll touch you again, 'till you see that your home is in heav'n.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Let go and let GOD!

More than a month has passed and I am still adjusting on my graveyard shift. I keep on praying for the Lord to deliver me to my new work schedule and provide an opportunity for me a less stressful environment and whoala! Here goes my vertigo…it's attacking me. So ironic, last year I promised to myself that I am going to improve my health so that I could better serve my family and our Community. (one of my main goal). Unfortunately, here I am, stuck in a graveyard shift and struggling to adjust my body clock to be awake in the evening just to do my job well. However, for several weeks, I found myself so challenged by learning my new environment (I considered it new because of the time) that I would think back on my previous schedule.

Last night, I was browsing my old e-mails on my Filing Cabinet folder and saw this one with a subject line “My Lingkod Family”. As I opened it, I saw faces of brothers and sisters then and now. I could not help but smiled and my mind raced with excitement as I reminisced some unforgettable happy moments on the picture. Somehow, this picture served as a reminder that I would temporarily forget my hardships at work, most importantly, my many cries to the Lord for deliverance.

We sometimes look back, thinking that what we had was better. We may even want to go back to the familiar environment. Instead, we can remind ourselves that when the Lord answers a prayer for deliverance, we are to keep moving forward in faith.

God often astounds us by turning endings into beginnings. That gives us faith to look at the future. Because we know God will not abandon us, we focus our eyes ahead to see where God is calling next, knowing God will be there too. So I say to myself and to you…”Let go and let God”.

God bless us all! :)

Monday, March 10, 2008

Love and Get Hurt

Just want to share this article sent by a friend. :)

is one of the questions we have always attempted to answer in more than one way. This only shows that it is quite impossible to grasp and comprehend the totality of its being. But we try, don't we? We try and find out by loving and being loved. We try and find out by getting hurt. We try and find out.

When you enter a relationship, when you commit yourself, you must always bear in mind that you are also sharing a part of yourself to a stranger who by mere chance or destined by fate, you happened to like and love. In doing so, you take a risk, a GREAT RISK.

He is really different. That is why you should not expect him to be like you. This being so, you must learn to accept him in his totality as a person. Growth is brought about by your indifference which in one way or another cultivate the relationship. It is also important to remember that trust is a vital element of many relationships. UNCONDITIONAL TRUST. No ifs, no buts.

When you love someone, honestly love, then you must be willing to sacrifice. There are times when hurts go so deep, when pain is almost unbearable, when you are about to give up. But loving is not giving up so easily. It is being there when all have gone, when there is very little strength left, when it is too much to stand.

Loving is letting be. There is really no difference between the "as-a-matter-of-fact" way and the romantic way, you might just be in a different plane of understanding which may be the cause of misinterpretations.

If he says he is honest with you, then don't kill yourself by saying he's not. How do you know? His past experience is not enough to doubt him. If you can offer your "romantic" way of loving to the best, then do so. And if he can love you the "as-a-matter-of-fact" way in return, then accept it. Please do not measure the exchange. Just be honest with each other and have an open channel of communication constantly where there is a free sharing of ideas. No ifs, no buts.

Get the best out of life. Love and get hurt. Get hurt and learn. Learn and love again. It's a cycle of being.

Life is short. Experience it!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Time Machine!

I wish I could invent a Time Machine that will help me turn back time. Imagine, what it could do to us as we go back in the past. Not to mention the future.
Just imagine....

Life as I know it!

Life is full of challenges. Sometimes it knows when to hit you hard where you least expect it. I've been struggling to survive at my workplace and I've been wanting to move and find another job. It's hard to explain but things right now are really not goin' my way.

Give up? No, I don't think so. I have GOD behind my back. I know HE has a better plan for me. I just need to be contented of what I have right now and be patient. When the right time comes, I know He will shower me all His blessings. For now, all I can do is make plans until it's time for me to fulfill it.