Monday, July 14, 2008

You are invited!

I HAVE noticed that in the span of six months, I had attended four weddings. Not to mention the invitations I had received for other special occasions.

Invitations are special. This only meant that our company is desired, that we have been asked to share in festivities celebrating an important event in the life of someone we care about, is not a gesture to be taken lightly.

Have you ever noticed the number of invitations found in God's word? The message of the Bible comes down to this, God the Almighty requests the pleasure of our company. In fact, each of us has a standing invitation to come where God is.

Jesus said, "Come to me." -Matthew 11:28

The psalms invite us time and again to come into God's presence with singing and thanksgiving (Psalm 100).

Jesus says, "Come!"

Jesus does not promise us lives without pain and struggle. But He does promise to be a steadfast and loving companion who will stay with us through our trials.

He is a gentle friend.

Some of us have a similar relationship with God. Yes, we are ready to receive God's blessings, but when God calls us to do the work that is ours, we close our hearts.


Because we are afraid of being asked to do chores we don't like, we try to live at a distance from God, hoping we will not hear when God calls.

God knows where we are. But rather than issuing commands, God invites us to come closer and share in the work of helping others. He is requesting the pleasure of our company.

Life as we know it, let's respond faithfully to God's invitations!

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